Leonard Goff

Welcome! I am an assistant professor of economics at the University of Calgary. I mainly do research in econometrics with a focus on treatment effects and nonparametric identification, and topics in labor economics related to nonwage aspects of work and market power.

You can reach me at leonard.goff@ucalgary.ca.


Working Papers

Some other work in progress


Teaching Materials

Causal inference in econometrics (Winter 2023; UCalgary ECON715 Advanced Econometrics II)

  • Class notes: [PDF]

    UCalgary Math Camp (since 2022)

  • Section 1: Probability. [Slides]
  • Section 2: LLN demo R code [Run Online] [Download] ; CLT demo R code [Run Online] [Download]
  • See Chapters 3.3 and 4 in "Statistics for Econometrics" notes for more

    Statistics for Econometrics (Fall 2021; UGA ECON8070)

  • Class notes: [PDF]

    Senior Honors Thesis Workshop (Fall 2019; Columbia ECON GU4999)

    (Professor: Michael Best)

    Microeconometrics (Fall 2018; Columbia ECON GR6414)

  • Code

    Visit my Github

    Some software projects:

    Stay a while...

    This is a Javascript adaptation of an old game called "It's Hexed" by the Kohner toy company. See if you can find one of the 2,339 ways to fit all 12 shapes into the box without overlap! Double-click to rotate a piece. Powered by KonvaJS.

    If you're accessing this site on a phone, the game will probably work better here.